Pet Behavior Counseling
Common pet behavioral problems and treatment plans.
Dogs and cats can suffer from a multitude of ailments ranging from severe phobias to aggressions. The first step in controlling these issues is to understand the "what and why" of each situation. Proper diagnosis dispels myths in behavior.
It is common for a pet owner to assume that their pet is just being spiteful when in fact they may have a behavioral problem. At Blair Animal Clinic, we strive to help our clients learn the real reasons for their pet's behavior and then find realistic options for a treatment plan.
During your pet's behavior consultation, we will review your pet's history, provide a physical evaluation and diagnosis, and work with you to develop a treatment plan.
Common Pet Behavioral Problems
- Aggression toward people or other animals
- Separation anxiety from owners or other family pets
- Thunderstorm phobia
- Unruliness
- Self-mutilation
- Destruction
- Compulsive disorders (repeatedly performing a behavior to the extent that it interferes with everyday life) like tail chasing, shadow chasing, licking, fly snapping, spinning, pacing, chewing, and toy fixation
- Nuisance actions such as excessive barking, digging, biting, scratching, and jumping
- Urine spraying/marking
To prepare for the appointment:
- A behavior history form is required to be completed prior to the appointment.
Canine Behavior Consultation Form
Feline Behavior Consultation Form
- We ask that the completed history form be returned by email, fax it to (765) 463-3112, or dropped off at Blair Animal Clinic before the date of the appointment for review. This helps alleviate consuming valuable time during the actual appointment by filling out the history form.
- The initial consultation appointment typically lasts 2 hours in length so please plan your schedule accordingly.
- Please check in at the front desk of Blair Animal Clinic for your appointment.
- All family members involved in the training of the pet should plan to attend the appointment. We welcome all family members to be involved in the treatment process. Well-behaved children may also attend as appropriate.
What to expect during the initial consultation:
- During the evaluation I will ask you various questions about your pet(s) daily routine, environment, and individual behavior.
- I will observe your pet(s) and their interactions with other family members and animals.
- Then with your input we will devise a behavior modification plan for your pet and describe how to put it into action.
- The behavior modification plan may recommend enrollment in other training programs or attendance of follow-up sessions.
- A follow-up session may include an individual training session in which we will coach family members on implementing the behavior modification plan and when necessary provide instruction on training techniques.
- Recommendations may also include enrollment in a specific training class, attendance of a specific behavior workshop, or enrollment in a specific service we offer such as Canine Playgroups, etc.
- Follow-up sessions, classes, and programs are additional services and are not included in the initial consultation fee.
Call us at (765) 463-2611 or request an appointment online to discuss your pet's behavior needs.